Springboard Family Support Project

Everybody needs help at some point in their lives. In Springboard, we support children, young people and parents.

We will arrange for you to talk to someone from our team. This person will be your keyworker. That means they will meet with you regularly, listen to what you are worried about and help you to find solutions to any problems you might have. You might be worried about school, family relationships, friendships or your own mental health. Your keyworker will spend time with you – finding things that make you feel better and helping you to deal with the things that worry you. We can also work with your parents/carers so that they can find better ways to deal with arguments and stress in the family. We work closely with other services and can build a team of supporters for you.

How to connect with this service →

Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm

Phone: 01 281 4934

Email: tara.kelly@tusla.ie

Address: Saint Columbanus School, Loughlinstown Dr, Ballybrack, Loughlinstown, Co. Dublin

Anger Anxiety Bullying Grief Loneliness Relationships Sexuality/Gender Issues Stress

Age range: Up to 18

Avg Wait
That depends - sometimes a lot of people contact us and other times, our waiting list is short. We will try to return a call within a week to ten days.

Do I need my parents permission if I'm under 18?: yes

How do I connect with your service?